While the world seems to be failing fast, full of hate, discontent, and destruction, I am at peace in my little fall paradise. I am not necessarily happy about the world around me with all the crap that is being forced upon us in the name of self service and entitlement attitudes, but where I am now I can still practice my beliefs without some elitist dork telling me I can not. I've never been a person to be fearful of the world, however I am no longer sure we are immune to an uprising from the evil among us. I thank God I can ride a bike in such beautiful country, that I can leave all the electronic stupidness at home when I ride, that I can witness beautiful country in a peace of mind on a simple bike with one gear.
I love my country, I love exploring it on a bike, I love worshiping God, I love my children and my wife oh so dearly, I love other people, I love being able to pack and shoot a gun, I love fall color and the cooler weather that comes this time of year, I love being a ER Nurse and taking care of people in true need, I love old people, I love children, I love my community, I love my church, I love life, I love my friends, I love late fall flowers, I love...
Why is the rest of the world so full of destruction, hate, and self servitude? Maybe we should let go of our electronic worlds for a few hours and fill that time with observing and paying attention to the environment, people immediately around us, and the beauty it all has to offer - amazingly it is free for the taking.
I can not convince anyone that there exists much more to this life than a cell phone, a computer, TV, etc., but I can tell you that those things have become horrible addictions that we should strive to take time out from to be with family, to see the world, and to realize that fun does exist outside those silly little boxes.
I am a loner when I ride, I'm not complaining about this since I rather enjoy the solitude. However, I would always rather have someone to ride with so I can share the beauty I see, but alas my schedule never seems to match anyone elses.
I really don't mind enjoying the sweet solitude of some of the most beautiful country the USA has to offer.