Friday, October 27, 2006

Another Fall Sub-Epic

It has been really nice out the last few days so I have been taking advantage of it by pedalling around the country-side enjoying the fall scenery. Yesterday was no exception...I decided to explore the South Fork Asotin Creek Trail. I was told it would be a cool place to ride, but the person telling me this must not have actually biked up it. After noon (when it was pleasantly warm out) I rode the 23ish miles up Asotin Creek Road to the trailhead. Right after I hit the trail I found a skull, which later I think was a sign to go back. The trail follows the creek bed up and requires several creek crossings. The fall colors were spectacular, but the trail was like riding one long rock-garden....the pic here shows the trail by the skull...yes there is a trail there...

If you need training on how to ride a trail made exclusivly of loose, fist-sized rocks covered with a mat of yellow fall leaves then go there! After a mile plus of riding this jarring, slippery trail (plus two more skull/bone piles) I decided I had enough and turned around. It may have been better on my full-suspension bike and I may try it sometime (probably not).

On the way back I spied a cow trail that traversed the hillside above the creekbed trail so I took it and was back in a flash - I finally found truth in the saying "Beef it's not just for dinner"...Moo!

At the bottom I decided to reward my dissappoinment by climbing up Smoothing Iron Ridge Road for a better view of the world. The road climbs the ridge between on the North and South Forks of Asotin Creek.

The pic here shows the canyon were the Asotin Creek (North Fork) Trail runs...a Cadillac trail compared to the South Fork trail...I was amazed at how rugged it was, something you don't notice riding through the trees on the trail below.

Up on top, late in the afternoon, the views were totally worth the long, steep climb up. I sat an had a snack under this huge old dead tree.

1 comment:

rolex watches for sale said...

bikes my favourite!