So my bull-headed ego took over and from that point on it was make through or die trying. At times I thought I was doomed to walking, but I kept the speed up (which really makes the mud fly a long, kept my mouth shut (gets kind of gritty if you don't) and forced the forward progress slipping and sliding all the way. The end result was a face and bike full of mud-yuk, plus I had the classic diarrhea butt look on my tights. The Think Pink bike was lookin' more like Downtown Brown.
I was very thankful for the SS since mud has very little effect on the one-gear system...a derailleur and multi-gears on the other hand is a nightmare in the muck-yuk stuff.
Also kind of glad I didn't take Rocket Ship One (the Fisher SuperFly SS) old wheelset on it at this time has a minor wheel bearing issue and I wasn't willing to trust it too far away from home. I just build some new wheels for it, but haven't got the tubeless set up yet.
The name, Rocket Ship One, came about after a few rides just because this thing is way fast on the dirt...
...and I had the brakes on!
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