The drop bar was just giving me too much discomfort, so I put on a set of flat bar and have since I found the love once again. Putting the flat bars on set me up in a whole different position, which my lower back has been demanding. It feels beyond great now and good enough to tackle some hills in single-speed mode.
My most recent venture on this bike was maybe a bit too much since the climb up Rosenkrantz Rd is a tad steep in a few spots - I did trot up short sections on 2 of the steepest parts and rode (grunted) up the rest. Needless to say I was quite exhausted after this ride was done, but as always I was still smiling and happy to be riding.
What The heck... some bike geek is riding in my back yard?!?! I am Going to have to shoot the damn fool if I can catch him mucking up my tracks. Go ride in the blues..
Have you ever noticed how territorial us non pavement riders get about someone being on our home turf when they have not invited us to come play with them?
(yea, the above comment was me as well).
Glad to see your getting out even if it is in my own backyard.
Cheers Scott
Yeah, that's right, I poached your riding space...just needed a reminder of how much I dislike riding in stupidly-deep pea-sized gravel that those super-dork Idaho road guys think is necessary to stop washboards in the roads...they can not seem to grasp the concept that deeper gravel actually contibutes to more washboarding and higher maintenance. Plus I decided to ride in your space since all the Bubba-burners in Asotin County were providing a choking good time on my side of the river. It was a great ride though...too bad I did not have some company.
Nice photos Eric. Glad you're getting your groove back post-back pain!
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