It set in motion a rapid chain of events in my brain...this bottom bracket turns any geared frame instantly into a single-speed frame since it allows a means to tension the chain. It will be installed soon enough on my Gunnar Cross bike for some simple future thrash testing.
I'm still not doing any significant riding due to my back situation (extruded discs take patience to heal). I am getting some short, flat, spins in but it truly is a struggle still and I am not pushing it for fear of re-injury. A ride of 5-miles is a real accomplishment at this time.
Fishing has been plenty of fun and I have had some fun working at the bike shop (B&L Bicycles of course) where I have gingerly pedaled both a Fisher SuperFly and a SuperFly-100 at the shop - impressive to say the least and lots of bling.
All I can say is 148 g per cup that is (if my math is correct) 296 g, more that 1/2 lb!
A bottom bracket is 122 g, and my tensioner with hardware is 175 g so I am saving 1 g and gaining a huge amount of effiency having a direct drive vs. a tensioner. Also if we were to include the weight of the previous shimano shifters, cables and derailleurs the weight is much more than a pound.
I guess you have a point... I was not taking into account the tensioner and the extra chain links and cables and housing and shifters...... How light do you think your crosshairs will be after the mods?
That EBB is too cool! I'm guessing it's for a standard Shimano integrated crank? I'll have to check it out.
Also glad to hear you are more mobile these days!
Speaking of your cx bike, thought I'd let you know we've been holding weekly informal cross races every Wed. evening on the South side of Moscow. I think the last couple weeks we had 20-30 racers out plus spectators. You should join us! Check out Fountain Airpark Cyclocross on Facebook. Pedal!
JT Fountain
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