After 3-weeks of pain I'm very humbled and beyond ready to be done with it. The real kicker is that I have received ever differing opinions after consulting with chiropractors, physical therapists, and several doctors - Why is it that no one is on the same page with this kind of issue? We all suspect the same cause - either a bulging or herniated disc in the lower back pinching a nerve (I think it's that Saphenous nerve personally). After much research I have determined that surgery is only helpful in 10% of the cases and that these things typically heal themselves on their own in 3-6 weeks, which is defined as 3-6 weeks of essentially no activity (including no work).
I'm sick of sitting (laying) around doing nothing and feeling helpless...Donna (the love of my life) has really done a super job of keeping me contained and well cared for. In the mean time I am dreaming of riding my bike(s) again while at the same time contemplating selling most of my bikes just to pay the bills while I'm not working. Hmmm...reality...
Just to make myself feel good I have gotten on a bike mounted in a trainer for 3-5 minutes at a time when I can (which is typically 1-2 times a day if at all depending on the pain). In the mean time I will continue to dream of riding again and drool over new bikes.
Update: An MRI done today reveals I do have something that is actually causing all this pain. The report states, "At L3-4, there is a massive far left lateral disc extrusion...(that) markedly impinges the exiting left L3 root..." Now that we know the cause, the next step is the treatment options - conservative or surgical? Will know more on Monday after I get a chance to talk out both options with prospective practioners. In the mean time - ouch!
Hi Eric,
Man sorry to hear about your health issues. I know it must be driving you crazy not being able to ride or work. Hoping things improve soon!
Eric and Donna, so sorry to hear about your problems. We've all had our share of injury's.. very humbling. I would sit and imagine I was running.. it helped! Also.. can you try a pool? Back pain is the worst. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and... a much better nurse. Linda
Strongly recommend "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue...ask Al for details.
Marcia just forwarded your blog to me. Sorry to hear about "the problem". I have suffered thru a lot of down time do to back problems. But because of surgery success rates and recovery time still would never consider it.
I'd say that reading Pain Free is something you should consider before making any decisions about surgery. The Egoscue folks travel the country speaking to orthopedic specialist groups, so they aren't a "quack group" by any means. The book was recommended to me by Craig Flinders after he told me he couldn't do any more epidurals on me..
If you would like to talk to me call anytime. Home # is in the book, and I usually forward it on to my cell if I'm out riding---that is pedaling or twisting the throttle.
Al Banta
Having suffered severe back pain nearly 10 years ago, I can empathize. Expensive recovery (I went with a chiropractor) that takes a while. Hope you don't have to part out the quiver to finance you road to recovery. My thoughts are with you!
My bikes are always for sale for the right price. And yes I may need to sell some due to this issue...which means that in the future I can get something new.
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