My fatbike year started off with some huge dumps, but since then there has been nothing except warm temps and lots of melting. There was a small dump on the mountain a few weeks ago covering most of the unrideable ice, however the snow is still quite skimpy around here. I wish the midwest and east would quit hogging it all.
OK, I'll stop whining now since I do have some snow to ride on and one awesome fatbike! The snow depth is about 25% of normal though.
The route up to the snow in my backyard riding area is icy and treacherous during the first few miles and it only gets better with elevations. The snowmobilers (love those people) have done a nice job of making my riding experience much less strenuous by packing a sweet, easy riding path up the mountain.
I have not been riding as much fatbike just because of the skimpy snow plus I'm doing a slow move to Grangeville, ID. Yes, I'm leaving my little farm house in SE Washington. I have a love-hate relationship with this place since I've so love living here, but have not so loved the work I've had to put into the place. Now I get to start all over again in Grangeville. The bonus will be huge though since my backyard playground in Grangeville will be a mountain at the edge of town...yep, it's going to be some serious playtime!
Without much snow here this winter I've been trying to fight off chunking on too much weight by riding the local gravel, which in the winter is much more boring due to the deadness at the lower elevations. I do not know how I made it though the winter without a fatbike in the past. Up in the snow at least there is some life in the green trees that sparks some serious happiness.