Friday, March 18, 2011

The Mini9er

The boy (aka the Kevinator) recently received a new Gary Fisher Mamba. The womens specific design (WSD) version of this bike comes in a 14.5" model (aka the Mini9er)which fits the boy perfectly (he's about 4'10" tall). The only problem was that he bike comes in pinkish color that was not appetizing to the mini-male ego (I think pink is ulta cool). So it got a paint job.

The mom also got a Mamba for her birthday, so now the whole family is on 29ers, which makes my life easier as far as tires and parts go. So far everyone is thrilled with their super cool new bikes.

The Mini9er was tested up George Creek Grade recently...a hill so steep that I've heard many grown men whimper about it to no end. The Kevinator rode the Mini9er right up it in a determined manner. Afterwhich we turned around and rode home (up Critchfield Grade) for a nice little 24-mile ride - one tough little guy.

During this adventure I noticed that Spring is finally showing signs of permanency...hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I like it man!!! Kevin is doing pretty good........


Eric Kop-ski said...

He's turning into a little biking animal...